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Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft

Herausgebergremium: Ruth Bielfeldt, Peter Eich, Hans-Joachim Gehrke, Christoph Horn, Joseph Maran, Gernot Michael Müller, Oliver Schelske, Katharina Volk und Paul Zanker Schriftleitung: Gernot Michael Müller (verantwortlich), Adrian Weiß

As a critical journal for the entire field of classical studies, GNOMON fosters the connection between the various disciplines of classical studies. It thus occupies a special position among review instruments and offers the possibility of finding out about important research and publications also in the neighboring fields of one's own discipline. The reviews in GNOMON are addressed to an international audience coming from all subfields of classical studies. The languages of publication in the GNOMON are: German, English, French, Italian, and Latin.

In the year of its 100th anniversary, Gnomon will adjust its publication schedule and, starting in 2025, will be published quarterly in February, May, August, and November. Additionally, the Bibliographische Beilage, which has previously been issued four times per year, will from now on only be available online through the new Gnomon website at The pages thereby made available will be redistributed across the four annual issues, allowing more space for an increased number of reviews.

Ruth Bielfeldt, Peter Eich, Hans-Joachim Gehrke, Christoph Horn, Joseph Maran, Gernot Michael Müller, Oliver Schelske, Katharina Volk, and Paul Zanker.

Editorial office
Gernot Michael Müller (responsible) and Adrian Weiß

Review guidelines
Reviews are generally by invitation of the editors only. Please direct inquiries to

Every review in the GNOMON should serve the purpose of giving a clear picture of the contents of the book, comprehensible even to those who have not read the book themselves and do not know the problem treated from their own experience. The scientific character of the review will often require the criticism of particular aspects of the work under review; the merely specific, however, should not predominate and should not be used so much for its own sake as to illustrate the method and result of the book. All that is specific should be offered separately from that which is generally significant, in a clear outline. The GNOMON attaches importance to an easily readable, linguistically accurate presentation. Your own productive and further reflections on the subject of the reviewed work are highly welcome.

Postal address of the editorial office (also for the submission of review copies):

Redaktion des GNOMON
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn

Subscription service
Customer Service Center
Phone: +49 (89) 3 81 89 - 750, fax: (89) 3 81 89 - 358

Periodical prices for 2025
annual subscription print only: € 292,00
annual subscription online only (retail clients): € 292,00
annual subscription print & online: € 334,00

preferential price print only: € 250,20
preferential price online only: € 250,20
preferential price print & online: € 286,20
online access to previous volumes: € 1,180,00

From 2009 on, the GNOMON Bibliographic Database by Jürgen Malitz (Catholic University of Eichstätt) and Gregor Weber (University of Augsburg) is no longer offered as CD-ROM.
However, the database with its full inventory is accessible free of charge online at since January 1, 2009. The Thesaurus is available in German, English, French, Italian, and Spanish.

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