1. FAQ for users

1.1 Questions about access to content

1.1.1 How do I get access to content?

The eBook contents of the beck eLibrary are usually licensed through institutions such as university libraries and activated after purchase. Employees and students of the respective university are entitled to access. Simply write us an email to service@beck-elibrary.de and let us know which titles you are interested in. We will then contact you and inform you whether the content is available for you.

Magazine content in the beck eLibrary can also be used by private individuals as part of subscriptions. These are single-user licenses, i.e. the usage rights are not transferable.

If you are interested in a magazine, you have the option of taking out a free trial subscription for the magazine. This includes the delivery of 2 to 3 print editions as well as online access in the beck eLibrary for the archive.

Some of the contents of the beck eLibrary are freely accessible to everyone in Open Access without logging in.

1.1.2 How do I know which content I have access to?

Call up the content you want. You will see a cover image of the respective title at the top of the screen. To the left you will find a traffic light symbol: red means “no access”, green means “access”. Please note that you have to log into your account to access magazine content. No registration is required to access eBook content. The content is automatically activated for you via an IP activation. The prerequisite for this is licensing by your library.

1.1.3 How can I access the magazine content that I have purchased?

Log into your account. The content to which you have access is now marked with a green traffic light symbol to the left of the cover image.

Alternatively, you can also start a search in the beck eLibrary. When the search results are displayed, you will find the menu item "Access" on the top left of the screen. Activate the check box for “Only accessible works”. This will limit your search results to the content that is accessible to you.

Navigate to the title or magazine you want. On the left side you can see the chapter or article structure. A separate PDF file for full text view is now available for each chapter or article. The text is displayed in a window in the center of the screen. All other functions are now available to you.

1.1.4 I can no longer access the magazine content I want

Most of the magazine content in the beck eLibrary is available if it has been purchased beforehand. If you have not yet acquired the content you want, please note our information under 1.1.1 How do I get access to content?

If you have already purchased the content but still do not have access, we will be happy to help you personally and promptly at service@beck-elibrary.de

1.2 Content Search Questions

1.2.1 What options do I have to search for content?

The quickest and easiest search is provided by the beck eLibrary start page. Simply enter the desired search term in the search bar at the top center of the screen “in eLibrary: Search”. This allows you to search in the full text of all content.

To open the advanced search, click on "Advanced Search" in the search bar on the right. A menu then opens, with the help of which you can adapt your search according to the following criteria: year of publication, subject area, type of publication as well as input options for author, title and ISBN / ISSN / DOI. Please note that all search criteria entered here add up.

In principle, you can search through all the contents of the eLibrary. In this way, you can also see unlicensed titles. If you want to filter your search, click on ACCESSIBLE WORKS above the search field.

One instrument for increasing the number of relevant hits is so-called truncation. For example, if you search for every passage in the text in which the term “legal philosophy” is used, instead of just entering “legal philosophy”, it is better to use the technique of truncation and enter “legal philosophy”; you will get significantly more hits because words like "legal philosophy", "legal philosophy" etc. are also found.

1.2.2 What content is available in the beck eLibrary?

In the beck eLibrary, large parts of the textbook program of the Vahlen and C.H.BECK publishers are available, as well as eBooks from the C.H.BECK LSW publishing house and the business sector from the following content partners: Haufe, MWV Verlagsgesellschaft, Schäffer-Poeschel, UVK and Versus. You will also find many magazine issues here, from the following issues: Marketing, Controlling, WiSt, Medienwirtschaft, SMR, Gnomon and ZiG.

You can also access our content using a thematic structure on the left-hand side of the screen - there the titles are thematically structured under the heading "Subjects" within the publishing areas.

By clicking on the respective subject area, the corresponding hit list opens; You can then further restrict your search using various criteria, such as the year of publication or the type of publication.

1.3 Questions about the account and personal settings

1.3.1 How can I create an account for the beck eLibrary?

Call up the website www.beck-elibrary.de. Then click on "Login" at the top right of the screen. The text "No user account yet?" Appears below the input mask for the login data. Please click on "Register".

A mask for entering your key data opens in a new window. Required fields are username, first name, last name, email address and city. Please complete your entry by clicking on "Submit".

With the double opt-in procedure, you will then receive an automated email with a confirmation link. Please then click on this link to complete the registration process.

In the last step you will receive an email with your password. You can now log into the beck eLibrary with your username and password.

You do not need your own account to access eBook content. The content is automatically activated for you via an IP activation. The prerequisite for this is licensing by your library.

To access our journals as part of a subscription with online access, we will create your account and activate your access for you, please contact service@beck-elibrary.de

1.3.2 How do I get a new password?

If you need a new password, for example because you have forgotten or misplaced the previous one, you can simply have a new one generated yourself.

Call up the website www.beck-elibrary.de. Then click on "Login" at the top right of the screen. The text "Forgot your password?" Appears below the input mask for the login data. Please click on it and then enter the email address that you also used to create the beck eLibrary account and confirm your entry with a click on "Submit".

Please then follow the instructions in the automated e-mail, which will then be sent to the e-mail address you provided.

1.3.3 How can I register for alerts?

Please log into your account. If you have not yet created a personal account, please follow the help under 1.3.1 How can I create an account for the beck eLibrary? Click once on your username in the top right corner of the screen to open a drop-down menu. In the selection window that now opens, select the menu item “Notifications” with a single click.

In the view that now opens, you can subscribe to various alerts and, of course, unsubscribe again: You can automatically be informed about new publications in magazines, book packages, series and Open Access publications by checking the respective checkboxes in front of the Activate the desired title and then click on "Confirm" at the bottom of the screen to complete. Conversely, if you want to unsubscribe from a notification service, the reverse procedure is sufficient: Deactivate the check box and click on "Confirm".

2. FAQ for institutions / libraries


2.1.1 Is there a separate administration for institutions / libraries?

With the purchase of ebooks and / or magazines, you have the option of setting up an admin account. Please contact our customer service at service@beck-elibrary.de

2.1.2 What rights does the admin access include?

As an administrator, you can use the following functions:

  • store an email address for purchase proposals
  • modify IP addresses
  • download catalog data
  • get usage statistics
  • enter link resolver

2.1.3 How can I call up usage statistics?

Usage statistics according to the COUNTER standard are available in the library administration area. A distinction can be made here between reports for eBooks and magazines. Statistics are available on a monthly basis at the beginning of each month.

2.1.4 Can usage statistics also be called up for magazines?

The usage statistics according to COUNTER are also available for magazines on a monthly basis.

2.1.5 Does the campus license also include remote access?

Institutions may also grant their members and relatives access to the platform via remote access from outside the IP number range, e.g. via procedures such as VPN dialing into the institution's network (virtual private network), via Shibboleth or via EZproxy.

2.1.6 In which format can I call up the usage statistics?

The usage statistics are available in COUNTER 5 format.

2.1.7 How can I call up the title metadata?

As the administrator of an institution, you have the option of calling up the metadata of all titles or the titles you have licensed via the library administration. To do this, please log in with your login data in the "Login" field on the top right. You can download the metadata either in CSV format or as MARC records via the “Library Administration” tab and the “Catalog data” sub-item. Alternatively, you have the option of obtaining the data via networks such as GBV or SWB.

2.1.8 A title we have acquired is marked “red” - what could be the reason?

If it is a title within the scope of a Pick & Choose order and this has been correctly activated by the publisher, then in this case there can only be an error in the IP addresses. As an administrator, you can define or modify IP addresses yourself. Titles that are purchased as part of packages are automatically activated. In both cases, please contact our customer service at service@beck-elibrary.de.

2.2. Questions about LOGIN

2.2.1 How can I log in to the site as an administrator?

To do this, please log in to the "Login" field on the top right with your login data and open the drop-down menu.

2.2.2 Can I log in with a user name of my own choosing instead of the email address?

You have the option of changing your user name via the "Settings" tab. To do this, log in and click on "Settings" in the drop-down menu. Here you can change your username.

2.2.3 What do I do if I forget my password?

If you need a new password, for example because you have forgotten or misplaced the previous one, you can simply have a new one generated yourself.

Call up the website www.beck-elibrary.de. Then click on "Login" at the top right of the screen. The text "Forgot your password?" Appears below the input mask for the login data. Please click on it and then enter the email address that you also used to create the beck eLibrary account and confirm your entry with a click on "Submit".

Please then follow the instructions in the automated e-mail, which will then be sent to the e-mail address you provided.

2.3. Questions about the content

2.3.1 We don't know the beck eLibrary. Is it possible to test the eLibrary?

Basically there is the possibility to test the beck eLibrary for a limited time. Please contact: service@beck-elibrary.de

2.3.2 Do you offer an EBS and / or PDA model?

Basically, we offer a complete EBS covering all content at a fixed price. Please contact: service@beck-elibrary.de

2.3.3 Is it possible to include a logo on the page?

It is currently not technically possible to place your own logo on the website.

2.3.4 Will I be informed when a new title is activated in the eLibrary (alerting)?

In order to receive activation information for a title, you must activate our alerting service. Please log into your account. If you have not yet created a personal account, follow suite please refer to the assistance under 1.3.1. In the selection window that now opens, select the menu item “Notifications” with a single click.

In the view that now opens, you can subscribe to various alerts and, of course, unsubscribe again: You can automatically be informed about new publications in magazines, book packages, series and Open Access publications by checking the respective checkboxes in front of the Activate the desired title and then click on "Confirm" at the bottom of the screen to complete. Conversely, if you want to unsubscribe from a notification service, the reverse procedure is sufficient: Deactivate the check box and click on "Confirm".

2.3.5 Do I have to be an administrator to use the alerting service?

You do not need to be an administrator to activate the alerting service. However, you must have an account in the eLibrary. Registration is required for this. You can find out how to register under 1.3.1.

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