@article{2015::vorlagen_u, title = {Vorlagen und Nachrichten}, year = {2015}, note = {Ruth Scodel: Maria Gerolemou: Bad Women, Mad Women. Gender und Wahnsinn in der griechischen Tragödie. Georgi Kapriev: Niketas Siniossoglou: Radical Platonism in Byzantium. Illumination and Utopia in Gemistos Plethon. Emanuel Richter: Andrea Keller: Cicero und der gerechte Krieg. Eine ethisch-staatsphilosophische Untersuchung.François Paschoud: Alessandro Pagliara: Retorica, filosofia e politica in Giulio Cesare. Peter van Nuffelen: Asterius, Liber ad Renatum monachum. Edidit Rainer Jakobi.Lester L. Grabbe: Ernst Baltrusch: Herodes. König im Heiligen Land. Eine Biographie. Linda-Marie Günther: Claudio Vacanti: Guerra per la Sicilia e guerra della Sicilia. Il ruolo delle città siciliane nel primo conflitto romano-punico. Yann Riviere: Gordon P. Kelly: A history of exile in the Roman republic. Maurice Sartre: Stephen Mitchell, David French: The Greek and Latin inscriptions of Ankara (Ancyra). Vol. I: From Augustus to the end of the third century AD. Jan Bouzek: Shelley Wachsmann: The Gurob Ship-Cart Model and Its Mediterranean Context. Jean-Luc Lamboley: Thierry Van Compernolle: Topografia e insediamenti nella Messapia interna. Ricerche e studi storico-archeologici a Soleto (Lecce) e nel territorio. Alessandro M. Jaia: Gijs Willem Tol: A Fragmented History. A methodological and artefactual approach to the study of ancient settlement in the territories of Satricum and Antium. HEINZ HAPP † Tübingen Beate Noack, Thomas A. Szlezák14. KONGRESS DER FIEC IN BORDEAUX München Verena Schulz}, journal = {Gnomon}, pages = {67--96}, author = {}, volume = {87}, number = {1} }