Impediments of National Procedural Law to the Free Movement of Judgments
Luxembourg Report on European Procedural Law Volume I
Impediments of National Procedural Law the Free Movement of Judgments
This volume presents a comparative examination and empirical evaluation of national procedural rules and practices, and further assesses the key procedural problems that impact mutual trust and the free movement of judgments in light of national and European Court of Justice case law. It provides an exhaustive overview of the similarities and differences of civil procedure in all EU Member States, and their impact on the recognition and enforcement of judgments.
Alongside The Luxembourg Report on European Procedural Law, Volume II: Implementing EU Consumer Rights by National Procedural Law, this volume offers the most comprehensive, empirically driven comparative investigation of national civil procedure thus far undertaken in Europe. Using an extensive dataset comprising hundreds of interviews and responses to a multi-language online survey, it examines the rules of civil procedure in all EU Member States and identifies their impact on mutual trust and the free movement of judgments.
This volume will be of interest for all practitioners, academics and policymakers with a focus on judicial cooperation and civil justice and will facilitate a better understanding of the impact of national procedural laws on cross-border dispute resolution in Europe.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 1–4 Foreword 1–4
- 241–244 Index 241–244
- 245–246 Case Law 245–246
- 247–254 Bibliography 247–254
- 255–480 Annexes 255–480
- ?Bibliography
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- II. Reports and Studies
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- III. Legislation
- 1. Treaties
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- 2. EU Regulations
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- Council Regulation No 40/94 of 20 December 1993.
- Regulation (EC) 1393/2007.
- Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters.
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- Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 (Brussels I bis regulation).
- Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/ 2012.
- Regulation (EU) 655/2014 establishing a European Account Preservation Order procedure to facilitate cross-border debt recovery in civil and commercial matters. (EAPO Regulation).
- 3. EU Directives
- Council Directive 2002/8/EC of 27 January 2003.
- Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
- Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2014 on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union.
- Directive 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure.
- IV. EU Opinions and Recommendations
- Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee of 11 May 2001, OJ 2001 C 139, 10.
- Opinion of the Parliament, single reading, 14 March 2001, A5?0073/2001, OJ 2001 C 343, 184.
- V. Cases
- ECtHR, Martins Silva v. Portugal, application no 12959/10.
- ECtHR, Augusto v. France, application no 71665/01.
- ECtHR, Mantovanelli v. France, application no 21497/93.
- ECtHR, Feldbrugge v. Netherlands, application no. 8562/79. 1. CJEU
- C-94/14, Flight Refund Ltd v. Deutsche Lufthansa AG, ECLI:EU:C:2016:148.
- C-559/14, Meroni v. Recoletos Limited, ECLI:EU:C:2016:349.
- C-511/14, Pebros Servizi Srl v. Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd [2016], ECLI:EU:C:2016:448.
- C-70/15, Lebek v. Janusz Domino, ECLl:EU:C:2016:524.
- C-184/14, A v. B, ECLI:EU:C:2015:479.
- C-681/13, Diageo Brands v. Simiramida-04 EOOD, ECLI:EU:C:2015:471.
- C-300/14, Imtech Marine Belgium NV v. Radio Hellenic SA, ECLI:EU:C:2015:825.
- Joined cases C-119/13 and C-120/13, eco cosmetics GmbH & Co. KG and Raiffeisenbank St. Georgen reg. Gen. mbH v. Virginie Laetitia Barbara Dupuy und Tetyana Bonchyk, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2144.
- C-112/13, A v. B a.o., ECLI:EU :C:2014:2:195.
- C- 302/13, flyLAL-Lithuanian Airlines AS v. Starptautisk? lidosta R?ga VAS und Air Baltic Corporation AS, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2319.
- C-332/11, ProRail BV v. Xpedys NV a.o., ECLI:EU:C:2013:87.
- C-508/12, Walter Vapenik v. Josef Thurner, ECLI:EU:C:2013:790.
- C-292/10, G v. Cornelius de Visser, ECLI:EU:C:2012:142.
- C-514/10, Wolf Naturprodukte GmbH v. SEWAR spol. s r.o., EU:C:2012:367.
- Case C-170/11, Lippens v. Kortekaas a.o., ECLI:EU:C:2012:540.
- C-619/10, Trade Agency Ltd v. Seramico Investments Ltd, ECLI:EU:C:2012:531.
- C-215/11, Iwona Szyrocka v. SiGer Technologie GmbH, ECLI:EU:C:2012:794.
- C-325/11, Krystyna Alder und Ewald Alder v. Sabina Or?owska und Czeslaw Or?owski, ECLI:EU:C:2012:824.
- C-406/09, Realchemie Nederland BV v. Bayer CropScience AG, ECLI:EU:C:2011:668.
- C-394/07, Gambazzi v. DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. and CIBC Mellon Trust Companyi, ECLI:EU: C:2009:219.
- C-104/03, St. Paul Dairy Industries NV v. Unibel Exser BVBA, ECLI:EU:C:2005:255.
- C-522/03, Scania Finance France SA v. Rockinger Spezialfabrik für Anhängerkupplungen GmbH & Co, ECLI:EU:C:2005:606.
- C-99/96, Hans-Hermann Mietz v. Intership Yachting Sneek, BV ECLI:EU:C:1999:202.
- C-391/95, Van Uden Maritime BV v. Kommanditgesellschaft in Firma Deco-Line u. a., ECLI:EU: C:1998:543.
- C-78/95, Hendrikman v. Magenta Druck & Verlag GmbH, ECLI:EU:C:1996:380.
- C-228/81, Pendy Plastic Products BV v. Pluspunkt Handelsgesellschaft mbH, ECLI:EU:C:1982:276.
- C-166/80, Klomps v. Michel, ECLI:EU:C:1981:137.
- C-125/79, Denilauler v. Couchet Frères, ECLI:EU:C:1980:130.
- 2. Austria
- Austrian Supreme Court, 21 January 2015, 3 Ob 232/14 k, Case 14K.0121.000, ECLI:AT:OGH0002:2015:0030OB00232.
- Austrian Supreme Court, 19 June 2013, 84/13 v, Case 13V.0619.000, ECLI:AT:OGH0002:2013:0030OB00084.
- Austrian Supreme Court, 31 January 2007, 3 Ob 9/07 f, Case 07F.0131.000, ECLI:AT:OGH0002:2007:0030OB00009.
- 3. Belgium
- Cass. 28 January 2005, Pasicrisie 2005, Vol. 1, 224.
- Court of First Instance Brussels, 13 October 2004, Tijdschrift voor Belgisch burgerlijk recht 2005, 125.
- 4. Estonia
- Estonian Supreme Court 1 December 2010, No 3-2-1-117-10.
- 5. France
- Cass. Com, 3 April 2013, n° 11-19.000.
- Cass. Civ. 2eme, 22 February 2012, no 10-28379.
- Cass. Civ. 1ère, 4 June 2009, no 08-12482.
- Cass. Civ. 1ère, 9 November 1971, n° 70-14017
- CA Bordeaux, 31 March 2016, n° 14/05833.
- CA Metz, 19 April 2016, n° 14/00029.
- CA Bordeaux, 15 May 2013, no 12/02578;
- CA Nancy, 30 March 2015, no 14/00839;
- CA Versailles, 2 October 2014, n° 14/01687.
- CA Pau, 12 April 2013, n° 13/1582.
- CA Nancy, 11 June 2013, n° 12/02657.
- 6. Germany
- BGH, 10 September 2015, IX ZB 39/13, NJW 2016, 160–163.
- BGH, 3 August 2011, XII ZB 187/10, NJW 2011, 3103–3106.
- BGH 26 August 2009, XII ZB 169/07.
- BGH, 26 November 2009, VII ZB 42/08, NJW 2010–2138.
- BGH, 6 May 2004, IX ZB 43/03, NJW 2004, 2386–2388.
- OLG Hamburg, 7 November 2008, 6 W 22/08, BeckRS 2009, 04375.
- OLG Düsseldorf, 11 October 1999, 3 W 258/99, NJW 2000, 3290- 3291.
- OLG Köln, 6 October 1994, 7 W 34/94, NJW-RR 1995, 446–448.
- LG München, 19 January 2011, 6 T 6032/09, BeckRS 2010, 12370.
- LG Trier, 17 October 2002, 7 HKO 140/01, NJW-RR 2003 , 287–288.
- 7. Greece
- Greek Supreme Court 1028/2009, Civil Procedure Law Review 2010, p. 55.
- Thessaloniki CoA 164/2010, Civil Procedure Law Review 2010, 709.
- Athens CoA 1356/2007, Hellenic Justice 2008, 1498.
- Thessaloniki CoA 2321/2007.
- Thessaloniki CoA 3299/2000, Armenopoulos 2001, p. 377.
- Thessaloniki CoA 267/1999, Armenopoulos 1999, p. 718 = Commercial law Survey 1999, p. 275.
- Athens CoA 10698/1995, Hellenic Justice 1996, 1402.
- District Court Thessaloniki 15948/2009 Armenopoulos 1999, p. 718.
- Drama 1 s t Instance Court 251/2000, Armenopoulos 2001.
- 8. Italy
- Court of Appeal Milan, Gambazzi v Daimler Chrysler Canada Inc. and CIBC Mellon Trust Company,
- 14 December 2010.
- 9. Luxembourg
- Judgment of 10 February 2011, case no 35005.
- 10. Poland
- Polish Supreme Court, 27 November 2014, V CSK 487/13.
- 11. Romania
- Bucharest Court of Appeal, Decision No. 3226/26.05.2010.
- Vrancea General Court, Decision No. 63/15.06.2015.
- Oradea General Court, Civil Section, Decision 7716, 22.09.2015.
- General Court, Decision No. 1067/19.10.2010.
- Bucharest General Court, Commercial Section, Decision 14351/2009.
- 12. Slovenia
- Appellate Court in Koper, II Ip 429/2013, 17.10.2013, ECLI:SI:VSKP:2013:II.IP.429.2013.
- Appellate Court Koper, II Ip 312/2012, 18.10.2012, ECLI:SI:VSKP:2012:II.IP.312.2012.
- 13. Spain
- Court of Appeal of Barcelona, 4 October 2012 [AP Barcelona (19ª), 122/2012, ECLI:ES:APB:2012:7160A.
- Court of Appeal of Madrid, 12 February 2002, JUR\2002\132026).
- 14. The Netherlands
- Netherlands Supreme Court, ECLI:NL:HR:2011:BP0003.
- District Court Utrecht, ECLI:NL:RBUTR:2011:BU5866.
- Rotterdam District Court, NL:RBROT:2009:BL187.
- District Court The Hague, ECLI:NL:RBHAA:2009:BK6667.
- 15. UK
- MD & CT [2014] EWHC 871 (Farn) CH2FN 190.
- Reeve & Others v Plummer [2014] EWHC 362 (QB), 18 December 2014