Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Article-by-Article Commentary
Ambos, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court The Commentary, founded by the late Otto Triffterer, is the leading commentary on the Rome Statute. The editor and a number of eminent legal practitioners and scholars in the field of international criminal law give a detailed article-by-article analysis of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The commentary aims at explaining the content of the various articles in a broader sense, including their drafting history, their impact on International Criminal Law, and their relation with other sources of the ICC such as the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the Regulations of the Court and the Prosecution, etc. The new Edition of the commentary has been thoroughly revised, updated and complemented with some further resources. It contains up-to-date case law (including a Table of Cases), literature and legislative developments at the ICC. Due to the burgeoning body of International Criminal Law, clarity and structure of presentation as well as greater consistency was a major objective of this new edition. It is hoped that the Commentary will continue to provide a useful guide for both practitioners and academics in various capacities.
Ambos, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court The Commentary, founded by the late Otto Triffterer, is the leading commentary on the Rome Statute. The editor and a number of eminent legal practitioners and scholars in the field of international criminal law give a detailed article-by-article analysis of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The commentary aims at explaining the content of the various articles in a broader sense, including their drafting history, their impact on International Criminal Law, and their relation with other sources of the ICC such as the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the Regulations of the Court and the Prosecution, etc. The new Edition of the commentary has been thoroughly revised, updated and complemented with some further resources. It contains up-to-date case law (including a Table of Cases), literature and legislative developments at the ICC. Due to the burgeoning body of International Criminal Law, clarity and structure of presentation as well as greater consistency was a major objective of this new edition. It is hoped that the Commentary will continue to provide a useful guide for both practitioners and academics in various capacities.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 1–17 Preamble 1–17
- 117–135 Article 6. Genocide 117–135
- 317–686 Article 8. War crimes 317–686
- 756–785 Article 10 756–785
- 881–899 Article 15. Prosecutor 881–899
- 1091–1129 Article 20. Ne bis in idem 1091–1129
- 1129–1149 Article 21. Applicable law 1129–1149
- 1328–1347 Article 30. Mental element 1328–1347
- 1430–1448 Article 35. Service of judges 1430–1448
- 1460–1474 Article 37. Judicial vacancies 1460–1474
- 1474–1485 Article 38. The Presidency 1474–1485
- 1485–1492 Article 39. Chambers 1485–1492
- 1522–1534 Article 43. The Registry 1522–1534
- 1534–1544 Article 44. Staff 1534–1544
- 1544–1547 Article 45. Solemn undertaking 1544–1547
- 1835–2273 Part 6: The Trial 1835–2273
- 1835–1848 Article 62. Place of trial 1835–1848
- 2037–2089 Article 69. Evidence 2037–2089
- 2263–2273 Article 76. Sentencing 2263–2273
- 2273–2317 Part 7: Penalties 2273–2317
- 2302–2311 Article 79. Trust Fund 2302–2311
- 2317–2439 Part 8: Appeal and Revision 2317–2439
- 2510–2519 Article 90. Competing requests 2510–2519
- 2525–2529 Article 92. Provisional arrest 2525–2529
- 2575–2585 Article 97. Consultations 2575–2585
- 2681–2684 Article 100. Costs 2681–2684
- 2697–2701 Article 102. Use of terms 2697–2701
- 2701–2767 Part 10: Enforcement 2701–2767
- 2764–2767 Article 111. Escape 2764–2767
- 2811–2811 Part 12: Financing 2811–2811
- 2842–2846 Article 118. Annual audit 2842–2846
- 2846–2931 Part 13: Final Clauses 2846–2931
- 2855–2871 Article 120. Reservations 2855–2871
- 2871–2891 Article 121. Amendments 2871–2891
- 2919–2922 Article 126. Entry into force 2919–2922
- 2922–2926 Article 127. Withdrawal 2922–2926
- 2926–2931 Article 128. Authentic texts 2926–2931
- 2931–3037 Table of Cases 2931–3037
- 3037–3064 Index 3037–3064
- ?General Literature
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- Agirre Aranburu, X., Bergsmo, M., De Smet, S. and Stahn, C. (eds.), Quality Control in Criminal Investigation, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020, quoted as: Author, in Agirre
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- American Law Institute, Model Penal Code and Commentaries, series of volumes (ALI 1985), quoted as: ALI, MPC, Vol. (1985);
- Allen, M.J., Textbook on Criminal Law (OUP 14th edition 2017), quoted as: Allen, Criminal Law (2017);
- Ambos, K., Der Allgemeine Teil des Völkerstrafrechts. Ansätze einer Dogmatisierung (Duncker & Humblot 2002/2004), quoted as: Ambos, Völkerstrafrecht (2002);
- – Treatise on International Criminal Law, Vol. I: Foundations and General Part (OUP 2013), quoted as: Ambos, Treatise ICL I (2013);
- – Treatise on International Criminal Law, Vol. II: The Crimes and Sentencing (OUP 2014), quoted as: Ambos, Treatise ICL II (2014);
- – Treatise on International Criminal Law, Vol. III: International Criminal Procedure (OUP 2016), quoted as: Ambos, Treatise ICL III (2016);
- – European Criminal Law (CUP 2018), quoted as: Ambos, EurCrL (2018);
- – Internationales Strafrecht. Strafanwendungsrecht – Völkerstrafrecht – Europäisches Strafrecht – Rechtshilfe (C.H. Beck 5th edition 2018), quoted as: Ambos, Internationales Strafrecht (2018);
- – Wirtschaftsvölkerstrafrecht (Duncker & Humblot 2018), quoted as: Ambos, Wirtschaftsvölkerstrafrecht (2018);
- – Treatise on International Criminal Law, Vol. I: Foundations and General Part (OUP 2nd ed. 2021), quoted as: Ambos, Treatise ICL I (2021);
- Ambos, K., Duff, A., Roberts, J. and Weigend, T. (eds.), Core Concepts in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Vol. I (CUP 2020), quoted as: Author, in Ambos et al., Core Concepts I (2020).
- Ambos, K., Duff, A., Roberts, J. and Weigend, T. (eds.), Core Concepts in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Vol. II (CUP forthcoming 2022), quoted as: Author, in Ambos et al., Core Concepts II (forthcoming 2022).
- Ambos, K., König, S. and Rackow, P. (eds.), Rechtshilferecht in Strafsachen (Nomos 2015, 2nd edition 2020), quoted as: Author, in Ambos et al., Rechtshilferecht (2015)/(2020);
- Amerasinghe, C.F., Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations (CUP 2nd edition 2005), quoted as: Amerasinghe, Principles (2005);
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- – Part II: Organizing the Court and Guaranteeing a Fair Trial (July 1997 AI Index: IOR 40/11/97), quoted as: AI, ICC II (1997);
- – Part III: Ensuring Effective State Cooperation (1997 IOR-Index: 40/13/97), quoted as: AI, ICC III (1997);
- – Part IV: Basic Principles Concerning Establishment and Financing of the Court and Final Clauses (March 1998 AI-Index: 40/4/98), quoted as: AI, ICC IV (1998);
- – Part V: Recommendations to the Diplomatic Conference (May 1998, AI Index: IOR 40/10/98), quoted as: AI, ICC V (1998);
- Arbour, L., Eser, A., Sanders, A., Ambos, K. (eds.), The Prosecutor of a permanent ICC (Ed. Iuscrim 2000), quoted as: Arbour et al., Prosecutor (2000);
- Armenta Deu, T., Lecciones de Derecho procesal penal (Marcial Pons 2nd edition 2018), quoted as: Armenta Deu, Lecciones (2018);
- Ascensio, H., Decaux E. and Pellet, A., Droit International Pénal (Pedone 2000), quoted as: Ascensio et al., DIP (2000);
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- Ashworth, A.J., The Criminal Process: An Evaluative Study (Clarendon Press 2nd edition 1998), quoted as: Ashworth, Process (1998);
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- Badar, M.E., The Concept of Mens Rea in International Criminal Law. The Case for a Unified Approach (Hart 2013), quoted as: Badar, Mens Rea (2013);
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