German Civil Code Volume I
Books 1-3: §§ 1-1296
The Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch is the very backbone of German civil law. Its legal concepts and principles are essential for the understanding of the law of one of Europe’s major legal systems. In its first edition, this article-by-article commentary covers Books 1 to 3 of the German Civil Code:
General Part
Law of Obligations
Law of Property.
The commentary reflects the law on 31 December 2018 and includes translations of legislation until 31 December 2019. The clear and uniform structure of each commentary allows for easy navigation through the complex legal concepts and challenging terminology. Through concise explanations, the abstract articles are brought to life and their meaning becomes accessible to lawyers, legislators, students, scholars, and translators.
This commentary is edited by Professor Dr Gerhard Dannemann, Humboldt University of Berlin, and Professor Dr Reiner Schulze, University of Münster. The contributors to the commentary are academics and practitioners in the field of civil and comparative law.
The Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch is the very backbone of German civil law. Its legal concepts and principles are essential for the understanding of the law of one of Europe’s major legal systems. In its first edition, this article-by-article commentary covers Books 1 to 3 of the German Civil Code:
General Part
Law of Obligations
Law of Property.
The commentary reflects the law on 31 December 2018 and includes translations of legislation until 31 December 2019. The clear and uniform structure of each commentary allows for easy navigation through the complex legal concepts and challenging terminology. Through concise explanations, the abstract articles are brought to life and their meaning becomes accessible to lawyers, legislators, students, scholars, and translators.
This commentary is edited by Professor Dr Gerhard Dannemann, Humboldt University of Berlin, and Professor Dr Reiner Schulze, University of Münster. The contributors to the commentary are academics and practitioners in the field of civil and comparative law.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- I–XXVIII Titelei/Inhaltsverzeichnis I–XXVIII
- 1–17 Introduction 1–17
- 17–309 Book 1 General Part 17–309
- 309–1691 Book 2 Law of Obligations 309–1691
- 1532–1539 Title 21. Settlement (§§ 779) 1532–1539
- 1545–1555 Title 23. Order (§§ 783–792) 1545–1555
- 1597–1691 Title 27. Torts (§§ 823–853) 1597–1691
- 2129–2322 Index 2129–2322
- Literaturverzeichnis
- APS Kündigungsrecht, Ascheid/Preis/Schmidt, Kündigungsrecht (5th edn, C.H. Beck 2017)
- Baur/Stürner, Sachenrecht, Baur/Stürner, Sachenrecht (18th edn, C.H. Beck 2009)
- BeckOK BGB, Bamberger/Roth (eds), Beck’scher Online-Kommentar zum BGB
- BeckOK Arbeitsrecht, Rolfs et al. (eds), Beck’scher Online-Kommentar zum Arbeitsrecht
- BeckOGK BGB, Gsell et al. (eds), Beck-online. Großkommentar zum BGB
- BeckOK GBO, von Hügel (ed.), Beck’scher Online-Kommentar zur Grundbuchordnung
- BeckOK BDSG, Wolff/Brink (eds), Beck’scher Online-Kommentar zum Datenschutzrecht
- Bülow/Artz, Verbraucherkreditrecht, Bülow, Recht der Kreditsicherheiten (9th edn, C.F. Müller 2017)
- Dauner-Lieb/Langen BGB, Dauner-Lieb/Langen (eds), Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB (3rd edn, Nomos 2016)
- Demharter GBO, Demharter (ed.), Grundbuchordnung: GBO (31st edn, C.H. Beck 2018)
- Ebenroth HGB, Ebenroth et al. (eds), Handelsgesetzbuch: HGB (4th edn, C.H. Beck 2019)
- EPL, Basedow et al. (eds), Encyclopedia of European Private Law (OUP 2012)
- ErfK Arbeitsrecht, Müller-Glöge/Preis/Schmidt (eds), Erfurter Kommentar zum Arbeitsrecht (19th edn, C.H. Beck 2019)
- Erman BGB, Westermann/Grunewald/Maier-Reimer (eds), Erman, BGB (15th edn, Otto Schmidt 2017)
- GmbHG GK, Ulmer/Habersack/Löbbe (eds), GmbHG Großkommentar, Vols I–III (2nd edn, Mohr Siebeck 2012–2016)
- Großkommentar HGB, Habersack et al. (eds), Staub Handelsgesetzbuch: HGB (5th edn, de Gruyter 2016)
- Henssler/Strohn Gesellschaftsrecht, Henssler/Strohn (eds), Gesellschaftsrecht – Kommentar (4th edn, C.H.Beck 2019)
- Heymann HGB, Kötter/Heymann, Handelsgesetzbuch (4th edn, de Gruyter 1971)
- HK-BGB, Schulze, Dörner, Ebert et al., Handkommentar BGB (10th edn, Nomos 2019)
- HKK-BGB, Schmöckel et al. (eds), Historisch-Kritischer Kommentar zum BGB (Mohr Siebeck 2003–2018)
- HWB EuP, Basedow et al. (eds), Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts (Mohr Siebeck 2009)
- HWK Arbeitsrecht, Henssler/Willemsen/Kalb (eds), Arbeitsrecht (8th edn, Otto Schmidt 2018)
- Jauernig BGB, Stürner (ed.), Jauernig, BGB (17th edn, C.H. Beck 2018)
- Kommentar zum Zahlungsverkehrsrecht, Ellenberger/Findeisen/Nobbe (eds), Kommentar zum Zahlungsverkehrsrecht (2010 Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg)
- Koziol/Bydlinski/Bollenberger ABGB, Koziol/Bydlinski/Bollenberger (eds), ABGB (5th edn, Verlag Österreich GmbH 2017)
- LAGE KSchG, Entscheidungen der Landesarbeitsgerichte zum Kündigungsschutzgesetz
- Lemke Immobilienrecht, Lemke (ed.), Immobilienrecht – Kommentar (2nd edn, Wolters Kluwer 2015)
- Mot., Motive zum BGB
- MüArbR, Kiel/Lunk/Oetker (eds), Münchner Handbuch zum Arbeitsrecht – Individualarbeitsrecht I und II (4th edn, C.H. Beck 2018)
- Mugdan, Die gesammelten Materialien zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch für das Deutsche Reich Bd. I–V (Collection of materials concerning the German civil code, Vols I–V)
- MüKo BGB, Säcker et al. (eds), Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch BGB (9th edn, C.H. Beck 2019)
- Müller, Müller, Besitzschutz in Europa (Mohr Siebeck 2010)
- NK-BGB, Dauner-Lieb/Heidel/Ring (eds), BGB Kommentar (3rd edn, Nomos 2014)
- NK-GA, Boecken/Düwell/Diller et al. (eds), NomosKommentar – Gesamtes Arbeitsrecht, Vols I–III (Nomos 2016)
- OSK Haftung des Arbeitnehmers, Otto/Schwarze/Krause, Die Haftung des Arbeitnehmers (4th edn, de Gruyter 2014)
- Palandt, Brüdemüller et al. Palandt – BGB Kurzkommentar (78th edn, C.H.Beck 2019)
- PEL. Per. Sec., Drobnig et al., Personal Security (Principles of European Law) (Sellier 2007)
- PWW BGB, Prütting/Wegen/Weinreich (eds), BGB (13th edn, Luchterhand 2018)
- RGK BGB, Reichsgerichtsräte-Kommentar BGB (12th edn, de Gruyter 1978–2000)
- Schwimann ABGB, Schwimann (ed.), ABGB Praxiskommentar (3rd edn, LexisNexis 2005)
- Soergel BGB, Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch mit Einführungsgesetz und Nebengesetzen: BGB (13th edn, Kohlhammer 2000)
- Staudinger BGB, J. von Staudingers Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch: Staudinger BGB (Sellier/de Gruyter 2007)
- The German Law of Contract, Markesinis/Unberath/Johnston, The German Law of Contract (2nd edn, Hart 2006)
- v. Bar/Clive, DCFR Full, von Bar/Clive (eds), Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law – Draft Common Frame of Reference – Full Edition (Sellier 2010)
- Zöller ZPO, Zöller (ed.), Zivilprozessordnung (32nd edn, Otto Schmidt 2018)